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Viral hepatitis III

Viral hepatitis is a systemic disease often quite marked liver cell destruction, necrosis and decomposition, resulting in anorexia, jaundice, and hepatomegaly. In most patients, the liver cells regenerate at the end with little or no residual damage. However, age and serious disturbances basically make complications more frequently. The prognosis is poor, if the lungs and liver enceph-alopathy develop.
Hepatitis occurs in these forms:
-Type A (infectious or short-incubation hepatitis) is on the rise among gay men and in people with immunosuppression related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

-Type B (serum or long-incubation hepatitis) is also increasing among HIV-positive people. Routine screening of blood donors for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) has reduced the frequency of posttransfusion cases, but the transfer of needles shared by drug users remains a major problem.
-Type C accounts for about 20% of all cases of viral hepatitis and for most cases posttransfusion.
- Type D (delta hepatitis) is responsible for approximately 50% of all cases of fulminant hepatitis, which has a high mortality rate. Development in 1% of patients, fulminant hepatitis caused by persistent failure hepatic encephalopathy. It progresses into a coma, and usually results in death within 2 weeks. In the United States, type D is limited to people who are frequently exposed to blood and blood products, such as IV drug users and patients with haemophilia.
-Type E (formerly grouped under the name C-type non-A, non-B hepatitis) primarily occurs in patients who have recently returned from endemic areas (such as India, Africa, Asia, and Central America); It is more common in young adults and more severe in pregnant women women.-Hepatitis G is a newly discovered form of hepatitis. Transmission route blood and it is more common in those receiving blood transfusions.

tags: the frequency, viral hepatitis, Therefore, the liver virus, hepatitis type B, hepatitis A often results, ABCDE hepatitis, viral hepatitis, ABCDEFG

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