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Viral hepatitis II

Signs and symptoms

Assessment findings are similar for the different types of hepatitis. Typically, signs and symptoms progress in several stages.
In the prodromal (preicteric) stage, the patient typically complains of easy fatigue and anorexia (possibly with mild weight loss), generalized malaise, depression, headache, weakness, arthralgia, myalgia, photophobia, and nausea with vomiting. He also may describe changes in his senses of taste and smell.
Assessment of the patient’s vital signs may reveal a fever of 100° to 102° F (37.8° to 38.9° C). As the prodromal stage ends, usually 1 to 5 days before the onset of the clinical jaundice stage, inspection of urine and stool specimens may reveal dark-colored urine and clay-colored stools.
If the patient has progressed to the clinical jaundice stage, he may report pruritus, abdominal pain or tenderness, and indigestion. Early in this stage, he may complain of anorexia; later, his appetite may return. Inspection of the sclerae, mucous membranes, and skin may reveal jaundice, which can last for 1 to 2 weeks. Jaundice indicates that the damaged liver is unable to remove bilirubin from the blood; however, its presence doesn’t indicate the severity of the disease. Occasionally, hepatitis occurs without jaundice.
During the clinical jaundice stage, inspection of the skin may detect rashes, erythematous patches, or urticaria, especially if the patient has hepatitis B or C. Palpation may disclose abdominal tenderness in the right upper quadrant, an enlarged and tender liver and, in some cases, splenomegaly and cervical adenopathy.
During the recovery (posticteric) stage, most of the patient’s symptoms decrease or subside. On palpation, a decrease in liver enlargement may be noted. The recovery phase commonly lasts from 2 to 12 weeks, although sometimes this phase lasts longer in the patient with hepatitis B, C, or E.Little is known about hepatitis G.
the patient with hepatitis B, C, or E.Little is known about hepatitis G.,During the clinical jaundice stage, inspection of the skin may detect rashes,especially if the patient has hepatitis B or C, Assessment findings are similar for the different types of hepatitis,hepatitis abcdefg,viral hepatitis,liver,

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